for author Yadav Ruchika
Publication Details Type Year
Work Values, Generation Y Expectations and HRM Implications (Study of an Indian Public Sector Non- Life Insurer). Yadav Ruchika, and Sushama Chaudhari Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Title of Publication

Work Values, Generation Y Expectations and HRM Implications (Study of an Indian Public Sector Non- Life Insurer).


Yadav Ruchika, and Sushama Chaudhari

Publication Details

Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Publication Month/ Year

2018 Volume/ Issue: January 2018 Vol. 18, issue 1 ISSN/ISBN: ISSN-0974-0791
Work Values: Generation Y Expectations and HRM Implications (Study of an Indian Public Sector Non-Life Insurer). Yadav Ruchika, and Sushama Chaudhari Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Title of Publication

Work Values: Generation Y Expectations and HRM Implications (Study of an Indian Public Sector Non-Life Insurer).


Yadav Ruchika, and Sushama Chaudhari

Publication Details

Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Publication Month/ Year

2018 Volume/ Issue: (2018). 18(1), 83-96 ISSN/ISBN:

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