for author Shiv Prabhat
Publication Details Type Year
Study/ Research on Common Service Centers (CSCs)  Shiv Prabhat, and Archana Singh

Title of Publication

Study/ Research on Common Service Centers (CSCs) 


Shiv Prabhat, and Archana Singh

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

2020 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects2020
A Step Towards Social Security: AamAdmiBima Yojana(AABY) Archana Singh, Sandeep Pande, and Shiv Prabhat Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Title of Publication

A Step Towards Social Security: AamAdmiBima Yojana(AABY)


Archana Singh, Sandeep Pande, and Shiv Prabhat

Publication Details

Articles in Bimaquest - The Insurance Journal

Publication Month/ Year

2019 Volume/ Issue: 2019, Vol 19, Issue 2 ISSN/ISBN: ISSN-0974-0791
Micro Insurance in India: Challenges and Solutions Shiv Prabhat, Archana Singh, P. K. Rath, and Sandeep Pandey NIA- Swiss Re Seminar

Title of Publication

Micro Insurance in India: Challenges and Solutions


Shiv Prabhat, Archana Singh, P. K. Rath, and Sandeep Pandey

Publication Details

NIA- Swiss Re Seminar

Publication Month/ Year

2019 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects2019
Evaluation of AamAadmiBima Yojana (AABY) and Converged PMJJBY' P. K. Rath, Shiv Prabhat, L. K. Shamsunder, Archana Singh, and Sandeep Pande

Title of Publication

Evaluation of AamAadmiBima Yojana (AABY) and Converged PMJJBY'


P. K. Rath, Shiv Prabhat, L. K. Shamsunder, Archana Singh, and Sandeep Pande

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

2018 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research and Consultancy2018
Micro Insurance Shiv Prabhat At SKOCH Inclusion Awards 2018. Category: Micro Insurance  

Title of Publication

Micro Insurance


Shiv Prabhat

Publication Details

At SKOCH Inclusion Awards 2018. Category: Micro Insurance  

Publication Month/ Year

Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Conference Paper
Role of Common Service Centers in Insurance Inclusion(CSCs) Shiv Prabhat, and Archana Singh

Title of Publication

Role of Common Service Centers in Insurance Inclusion(CSCs)


Shiv Prabhat, and Archana Singh

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects
Examine the coverage of the targeted segment through Micro insurance and what needs to be done to increase the penetration of Micro Insurance. Shiv Prabhat, P. K. Rath, Sandeep Pande, and Archana Singh

Title of Publication

Examine the coverage of the targeted segment through Micro insurance and what needs to be done to increase the penetration of Micro Insurance.


Shiv Prabhat, P. K. Rath, Sandeep Pande, and Archana Singh

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects
A Study on Micro Insurance  Archana Singh, Shiv Prabhat, and G. Srinivasan

Title of Publication

A Study on Micro Insurance 


Archana Singh, Shiv Prabhat, and G. Srinivasan

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects

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