for author Dr.Sunita Purvataram
Publication Details Type Year
Effect of Desired and Experienced Work Values, and Organization Climate on Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment: An Exploration (With special reference to New Recruits in Public Sector General Insurance Company) Sushama Chaudhari, and Dr.Sunita Purvataram 13th Biennial Conference, organized by International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values at Goa

Title of Publication

Effect of Desired and Experienced Work Values, and Organization Climate on Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment: An Exploration (With special reference to New Recruits in Public Sector General Insurance Company)


Sushama Chaudhari, and Dr.Sunita Purvataram

Publication Details

13th Biennial Conference, organized by International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values at Goa

Publication Month/ Year

2012 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Conference Paper2012

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