for Publication Type Case Studies
Publication Details Type Year
National Insurance Company: Rewriting the Future' - to ‘The Case Centre'- Cranfield University UK S. Uma, Sushama Chaudhari, and Aswathanarayana

Title of Publication

National Insurance Company: Rewriting the Future' - to ‘The Case Centre'- Cranfield University UK


S. Uma, Sushama Chaudhari, and Aswathanarayana

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

2018 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Case Studies2018
Management of IT Implementation Project for Automation of Core Insurance Functions in a Non-Life Insurance Organization - A Case Study FAIR Review

Title of Publication

Management of IT Implementation Project for Automation of Core Insurance Functions in a Non-Life Insurance Organization - A Case Study


Publication Details

FAIR Review

Publication Month/ Year

2009 Volume/ Issue: No.154 - 4 - 2009. ISSN/ISBN:
Case Studies2009

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