for author B. Suresh
Publication Details Type Year
Cyber Risk Insurance – Implications for the insurance underwriters in India Steward Doss, N. Raveendran, and B. Suresh China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management

Title of Publication

Cyber Risk Insurance – Implications for the insurance underwriters in India


Steward Doss, N. Raveendran, and B. Suresh

Publication Details

China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management

Publication Month/ Year

2021 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Conference Paper2021
A Study on Assessment of Cyber Risk Exposures and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in India Steward Doss, G. Srinivasan, N. Ravindran, and B. Suresh

Title of Publication

A Study on Assessment of Cyber Risk Exposures and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in India


Steward Doss, G. Srinivasan, N. Ravindran, and B. Suresh

Publication Details

Publication Month/ Year

2020 Volume/ Issue: ISSN/ISBN:
Research Projects2020

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