(2025 - 26)



With the advent of globalization and privatization the country has opened its doors for diverse business organizations. The business environment has become extremely competitive and has led to increasing competitive pressures to provide superior quality service and products, in turn aggravating the pressure to perform on employees.


The employee burnout rate is immense and is spiralling. But the agony does not end here rather the socio- demographic trends have initiated the diversity of workforce with dual career couples. The joint family structure has given way to nuclear families that has added to the familial and societal responsibility to the individual’s profile as a working professional. This often leads to the work-family conflict affecting the job attitudes.


It is important to comprehend the interface between professional and personal lives. Work-life integration is considered simply as a flexibility between professional and personal life.

Work-life integration is changing job attitudes like job satisfaction and organizational commitment which helps to foster the organizational citizenship behaviour.



§  To make participants understand the concept & importance of Work-life balance.

§  To help the participants to understand the personal & Organizational benefits of work-life balance.

§  To make the participants learn Prioritization, making smart goals & staying flexible.

§  To help participants in making personality corrections by self-assessment.




§  Understanding Concept of work-life balance.

§  Effective use of Technology to enhance Productivity

§  Managing Time Effectively

§  Communication Skills

§  Self-Management Skills

§  Stress Management

§  Refuelling & Wellness Strategies

§  Resilience Skills

§  Setting of Smart Goals

§  Attention Management

§  Case Studies

§  Self-Assessment Exercises


Participants’ Profile:


Officials in the cadres of AO/ADM/DM from BO/DO/ZO/CO to be nominated by respective Zonal HRD and CO HRD

Trainees nominated for this programme in the last two years should not be renominated.


Duration:  2 days



          I.     05.06.2025 - 06.06.2025          

       II.     28.07.2025 - 29.07.2025          

    III.     25.08.2025 - 26.08.2025          

    IV.     30.10.2025 - 31.10.2025          

       V.     24.11.2025 - 25.11.2025          

    VI.     02.02.2026 - 03.02.2026