(2025 - 26)




The Right to Information Act, 2005 mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information. The basic objective of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is to empower the citizens, to promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, to contain corruption and to make the democracy work for the people in real sense. An informed citizen is better equipped to keep necessary vigil on the instruments of governance.


The Director, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India in his memo no.10/23/2007-IR dated 9.07.2007 has also observed certain shortcomings in the functioning of the First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) not examining the appeals judiciously and their mechanical agreement with the decision of CPIOs, the FAAs not disposing the appeals within the prescribed time frame and CPIOs not complying with the directions of the FAAs, etc. The Memo suggested that as the FAAs are the quasi-judicial authorities, they should not only ensure that the justice is done but also appear to have been done. The need for giving speaking orders was also expressed in the memo.




§  To help participants have a clear understanding of the various provisions of RTI act 2005.

§  To provide unambiguous insight to the roles and responsibilities of CPIO & FAAs.

§  To analyse the cases/decisions taken by the FAAs and the improvements needed thereon.

§  To study and analyse the Second Appellate authority (CIC/SIC) and landmark Supreme Court / High court decisions on important RTI appeals.

§  Removal of doubts and interaction with RTI experts.




§  RTI Act, 2005- Provisions, Exemptions, Schedules & Penalties.

§  Role & Responsibilities of CPIO/Alternate CPIO

§  Role & Responsibilities of First Appellate Authority

§  Analysis of Appellate Authority decisions- Case studies/Brainstorming

§  Analysis of Landmark Supreme Court/ High court Decisions on RTI appeals.

§  CIC Guidelines and model code of conduct for FAAs

§  Interaction/Discussion/Quiz on RTI Act 2005

§  Overview of DPDP Act, 2023


Participants Profile:


First Appellate Authorities (FAAs)/Alternate FAAs in Divisional Offices/Zonal Offices/Central Office and Zonal RTI Committee Members to be nominated by respective ZO/CO HRDs and nominate only those Managers (Legal) for P-787 who have not undergone training under the programme, P-714 for CPIOs within the last two years  


Trainees nominated for this programme in the last two years should not be renominated.


Duration:  2 days      



          I.     21.07.2025 - 22.07.2025          

       II.     27.10.2025 - 28.10.2025