(2025 - 26)



Agriculture production is susceptible to climatic as well as non-climatic fluctuations. With the increased aberrations and changes in the behaviour of nature, farmers have been continuously experiencing drought and floods resulting in considerable crop losses. The traditional methods of risk management adopted by the farmers are not adequate to cope with this changed scenario. At times, even the Government finds it difficult to provide adequate financial support to compensate the loss. Hence the role of insurers in providing Agriculture Insurance especially crop insurance, has assumed great significance in providing indemnity to the farmers. The recent past saw the development of techniques like weather-based insurance, satellite imagery in addition to the crop cutting methods. With the support of Government, crop insurance business has become one of the largest businesses contributing premium of 26000 crore during FY 2022-23. Though the premium is huge, the claim incidences are also big, posing challenges for insurers to make the portfolio viable.


This training is designed to help insurance professionals aware about the crop insurance schemes and implementation mechanism.




To discuss and explore the problems and prospects of crop insurance in India and other countries. To investigate the role of government in implementing various crop insurance schemes. Understand the operational challenges of the portfolio and prepare suitable strategies to cope with the challenges as well as improving the penetration in rural areas.




§  Fundamentals of Agriculture Insurance

§  Salient Features of PMFBY Scheme & RWBCIS Schemes

§  Revamped Operational Guidelines of the PMFBY Scheme

§  Crop Cutting Experiments (CCE’s) & Yield Estimation

§  Implementation of Crop Insurance Grant Schemes

§  Pricing of Crop Insurance

§  Role of Technology including AWS, Satellite Images, Sensors and Drones in U/W and Loss Assessment

§  Claims Settlement Process including Individual Loss Assessment

§  Role of Intermediaries in improving the penetration of Crop Insurance

§  Other Agriculture Insurance Products

§  Reinsurance


Participants’ Profile:   


Executives of Insurance Companies dealing with Crop Insurance and allied rural insurance product and Reinsurance, Government Officials dealing in Crop, Banks, NABARD, Micro Finance Organizations, Micro Insurance Institutions, Market Intermediaries, Service Providers, NGOs and Corporates engaged In Agricultural Development / Farmers Welfare


Duration:       5 days  



          I.     14.07.2025 - 18.07.2025          

       II.     02.02.2026 - 06.02.2026