(LIC of India) (2025 - 26)




It is important for the Insurance Companies to transform themselves as Learning Organizations to effectively face the changing business environment. The training system in the industry plays an important role in developing a learning organization through knowledge creation and capacity building. Thus ‘Training the Trainers’ needs to be an ongoing process to keep pace with the changing business objectives and the competency requirements of every individual employee.


This programme is aimed to enhance the ‘Training Skills’ of the Faculty posted to the different training centre in LIC. The Officers who are invited to take sessions at the in-house training centres would also be benefited from this program.  


The programme would be is experiential in nature wherein participants will be exposed to training techniques, systematic approach to training, and video aided practice sessions.


Learning Objectives:


§  To conduct training needs and audience analysis to determine training design.

§  To establish learning objectives.

§  To design need-based training modules.

§  To develop a Learning Environment.

§  To apply adult learning principles.

§  To practice participant centric training techniques.

§  To use audio visuals and learning aids in effective manner.

§  To apply Kolb’s Learning Cycle to evaluate training effectiveness.




§  Principles of Andragogy

§  Training Needs Analysis

§  Training Design and Topic Planning

§  Managing Training Environment

§  Online Training Etiquette

§  Training Techniques/Learning Styles. (Case Analysis, Role Plays, and Management Games, Quiz etc.)

§  Micro Teaching Techniques

§  Presentation Skills

§  Content Management

§  Financial Market

§  Training Evaluation and Impact Assessment

§  Learning Styles, Beginners / Experienced

§  Product Comparison & Presentation Skills

§  Social Media/Digital Marketing and Communication Skills

§  ULIP/Mutual Fund comparison

§  LIC Post IPO – Challenges & Opportunities

§  Personal Financial Planning


Participants Profile:    Faculty Members of MDC/ZTC/STC


Trainees nominated for this programme in the last two years should not be renominated.


Duration:                  3 days



          I.     30.07.2025 - 01.08.2025          

       II.     13.10.2025 - 15.10.2025          

    III.     22.12.2025 - 24.12.2025