(2025 - 26)




Motor Third Party Insurance has assumed significant importance in terms of market share in the recent past.  It is also a large contributor to underwriting losses affecting the bottom line of companies. The stakeholders involved in the motor third party ecosystem are many, requiring monitoring and control by the insurers for effective portfolio management. Recent developments in the motor space include introduction of The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, amendment in section 163A-schedule, (introduction of section 164) providing compensation for third party fatal accidents/injury cases, compulsory personal accident cover of INR 15 lac, regulation on long term policy for two wheelers and private cars and increasing frequency and severity of third-party cases. The programme will enable participants to understand various facets of motor third party insurance to enable them to provide better service and make the portfolio sustainable.




The programme aims to equip participants with knowledge and understanding of 

§  M.V. Act and other laws

§  Procedural requirements of MACT Claims

§  Medical knowledge for assessment of non-fatal injuries

§  Written statements, pleading & proving the defences available, effective recovery

§  Role of Insurers, Advocates, Investigators, Police, Judiciary and MVD in the management of TP claims 

§  Various mechanisms for claims settlement




§  Overview of Motor TP: Portfolio Trends

§  MV Act, CMV Rules, CPC & other laws governing motor insurance

§  New defences available under amended Motor Vehicle Act  

§  Trends in court awards, important Supreme Court Judgements and their implication in Motor TP Cases   

§  Drafting, Pleading and court procedures in MACT Cases

§  Medical knowledge to handle T.P. claims & assessment of non-fatal injuries

§  Role of Officers, Police, investigators, hospitals & judiciary in T.P. claims management process

§  Lok Adalat, conciliatory & alternate dispute mechanisms


Participants’ Profile: 


Officials handling Motor Third Party claims posted in Head Office, Regional Offices, Claims Hubs, Operating Offices of Indian and foreign public & private sector General Insurance Companies.


Duration:       3 Days



          I.     05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025          

       II.     04.08.2025 - 06.08.2025          

    III.     10.11.2025 - 12.11.2025          

    IV.     28.01.2026 - 30.01.2026