(2024 - 25)




Python is worldwide the most widely used free & opensource Analytics software. It is available on a variety of platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Python package repository features over 5 lakh projects. For Insurance Analytics also, the popularity & power of Python is increasing, day-by-day. Data Analysts & Data Scientists across various departments (functional as well as insurance technical) including Actuaries have started using Python in their day-to-day analytics work. There are many packages based on Python that are of immense use for Insurance Analytics. Data Mining including Machine Learning and other Data Science techniques by using Python are necessary skills for today’s IT / Business Analytics / Insurance professionals. Against this background, this hands-On Python for Data Analytics training has been offered.




§  Importance of Python for Insurance Data Analytics, Python Datatypes & Structures, Python Logic Structures, Jupyter IDE

§  Python: Data Handling (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc.) for Data Analytics & Visualization

§  Python: for Machine Learning

§  Python for Financial Computing & Insurance Analytics

§  Hands-on Exercises / End-to-End Case Studies on Python for Data Analytics


Participants’ Profile:


This hands-On training is open to Insurance industry and other related organizations from within India as well as from other countries. Officers / Executives / Manager or higher management from IT / Analytics, Actuarial, Claims, other insurance technical areas, various functional areas (Marketing / Business Development) of LI, GI, HI, Re-Insurance organizations, Regulators, Insurance Information Bureau, Broking companies. Employees from any other organization and interested in learning ‘Python for Data Analytics’. Prior knowledge / skills of Python not necessary.


Duration:       3 days


Dates:            21.10.2024 - 23.10.2024